Who regulates Energy Assessors

Australian Building Sustainability Association


Building Designers Association of Victoria



How do I get a 6 Star energy efficiency rating?

A 6 star energy efficiency rating applies to the building envelope: the roof, walls, floor and windows. A report prepared by an Accredited Assessor is required to provide evidence that the building achieves a 6 star rating. The assessor can provide recommendations for changes to the design if it does not initially reach 6 stars.

What is a thermal performance assessment?

The thermal performance assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of building envelope performance which includes:

  • Construction materials
  • Window glazing specification and orientation
  • Insulation details
  • Orientation of the building windows.

Who can do an energy rating?

Only a qualified energy rater that has completed the training and is accredited with either BDAV, or ABSA can submit energy rating for building approval.

Assessors Nathers Logo          BDAV RGB Logo

What is an Energy Rating?

Put simply, an Energy Rating is a calculation of the heating and cooling loads required to maintain a comfortable living environment within a given building. Factors taken into consideration include insulation, glazing, construction type, building size, orientation and climate zone

What can I do with an energy rating?

An energy rating for a house allows tenants, new owners & home buyers to take into account how much it will cost to run via an energy report. An energy rating shows areas that can be improved on in their energy use.